
2024 Summer Fun Guide

By Leah Levine, Publisher Macaroni KID Westside of Rochester June 25, 2024

We are so excited to bring this 9th annual edition of the Macaroni KID Rochester Westside's 2024 Summer Fun Guide to your inboxes! From our top 17 Places To Go, to summer recipes, mom hacks, tips on preventing the summer slide and more, we hope you will bookmark this webpage on your phone and remember to check it often! 

My goal this summer is to provide you with the information you need to create the most amazing family fun experiences so that those memories will last with your children forever! 

Happy Summer Macaroni KID Rochester Westside followers! I appreciate each and every one of you and hope that you all find this guide beneficial to your summer planning and family fun!

Check out our home page for all the details this week and next week all the information will be right here in this guide for you to easily check all summer.