
Become a REV Rep this Summer!

Join the Mission to Help get REV in EVERY State in America!

July 9, 2024

Our friends at Healthy Highway are on a mission and they need your help! REV is a wonderful pillow dog that represents support, care, love, comfort and offers a sense of ownership to anyone who is lucky enough to receive one! Many of you know, my youngest has her own REV and he is very much a part of her everyday life. He helps her with her anxiety, to sleep through the night, to get through big scares for her like getting blood work done, a cavity filled or having surgery, and has been to school a number of times as a classroom visitor!  We LOVE sharing about how important REV is for both children and adults of all ages and we are very excited to help Wendy and REV on this important mission! 

Who is going on vacation this summer? If so, we invite you and your family to become REV reps! What does this mean? Your family would contact us to share where your destination is. I would provide you with a couple of Rev pillows to take with you to deliver to a fire department, police, or ambulance in the area of your stay. I will even provide a short script of what to say to the organization you talk with. All I ask in return is to take a picture of the presentation so I can put it on Facebook. The map highlights the states we are in so far. Take a look and see if you can add another state to our list. Rev already has his flight booked to Alaska later this year, so let’s get him in as many states as we can. Please contact me

How fun for your family to be part of the nationwide REVolution and celebrate with us when we reach our goal of 1000 Rev pillows delivered to children across the country. Let’s send Rev to all 50 states!