
Vote John Siwicki for Greece Board of Education

Greece School District Vote May 16

By John Siwicki April 26, 2017

Hi Macaroni Kid Fans,

I'll let you get back to all the incredible events and happenings in the NW area in a minute. But while I have you, let me tell you about a life altering event coming up in the near future- May 16th.... The Greece School District Budget and Board of Education Vote!

No. It's not as exciting as a Day out with Thomas. I'll be the first to admit it. Yet it is a chance for you to vote to support your child's education and ensure you have a representative voice on the school board.

By way of introduction, my name is John Siwicki and I am running for a seat on the Board of Education. I am a product of the district (Snow Leopard Pride!), lifelong resident, and now have 3 amazing children beginning their educational journey. My career background is in corporate finance which makes me uniquely qualified to deal with the prioritization challenges the district is facing. We will need to work diligently, and think creatively, to manage the tax bill, retain and attract quality educators, and ensure the needs of our students are met. 

I'd appreciate your vote on May 16th as I look to be a guiding voice for my children, and yours.

I look forward to seeing you in the community! 

John Siwicki
Board of Education Candidate
Ballot Position #2

For more information on the budget, Board members and polling places visit Greece Central's Budget Page.