
Chicco Fit2 Car seat: Our Review

Car seat that meets AAP recommendations!

By Leah Levine April 24, 2017

     The Chicco Fit2 is a first-of-its-kind car seat designed to stay rear-facing for the first two years! Choosing a car seat for your new little one is one of the biggest decisions you will make as a new parent, don’t make that decision twice in the first year! Choose the Chicco Fit2 and know you are choosing to safely and comfortably transport your baby from their first car ride until they are 2 years old or 35 pounds! This design meets the new AAP recommendations of keeping babies rear facing until they are two years old.  

     Seven years ago when I had my first daughter it took me months to decide which car seat would be best for her. I ended up spending hundreds of dollars on a stroller/car seat combo in which the car seat was only used for 8 months! At 6 months old I knew the infant seat would not be lasting much longer as my child was at top of the chart in height and weight. So on top of everything else I had going on I had to experience all that anxiety over again shopping for another car seat that would safely fit my growing daughter. With the Chicco Fit2 you do not have to worry about that anxiety for 2 whole years! This seat offers the best of everything right in one spot and a smooth transition from infant to toddler position!!

The Chicco Fit2 features:
•    Removable head/body support for newborns
•    Innovative chest clip designed for infants and toddlers
•    7-position headrest to grow with the child
•    Ultra padded, 5-point, no- rethread harness with one-pull tightener
•    Unique one-hand carry handle adjustment
•    Compatible with Chicco Strollers
•    Made in Italy with Premium machine washable Italian fabrics
•    Available in 2 styles (Legato & Fleur) 

 STAGE 1:                                         Stage 2:
 Infant Position (0-12months)             Toddler Position (9-24 months)
 4-35 pounds                                        15-35 pounds

My daughter is now 9 months and unfortunately we did not start her until 7 months in the Fit2 car seat. When I first heard of this style I knew it was a must have! I cannot get over how pretty the car seat is in the Legato fabric, it has a soft white design making it have a more feminine appearance, as a mom of three girls this is important. I receive so many compliments on the material and how comfortable and cozy she looks. At her 9 month well visit the doctor suggested moving her from the infant stage to the toddler stage, since she was 21 pounds. I was excited to test out for myself if the conversion was really as simple as everyone says. Guess what? They were right! It was not only simple, but I timed it! I had the canopy removed, handle all the way back, head rest moved up and base flipped to the toddler position in 47.2 seconds. Yep, less than a minute and with no added anxiety at all! But that’s not the best part, the best part is that I know she is safe and secure and meeting the AAP recommendations until she is two. I am so happy to have learned about this car seat and know you will love it as much as I do! I loved it so much I bought a second one for dad's car!

The Chicco Fit2 retails for $279.99 and is available at any Babies R Us retailer.

*I was provided compensation for this review, however it in no way impacted my thoughts, views or experiences with the Chicco Fit2 Car seat. As you can see, my Macaroni Kid baby is safe and comfortable everyday in the Chicco Fit2!*