
Macaroni Review: Summer Infant 3Dtote Convenience Stroller


By Leah Levine March 6, 2017

After two babies in strollers my search for a stroller for my 3rd baby was simple. It needed storage space, had to be easy to fold and needed at least 2 cup holders.  I ended up with a bulky stroller that met those needs but also took up half of my minivan large trunk. I was so excited to read about the new 3D Convenience Tote Stroller from Summer Infant! It is lightweight and folds up so small that I still have room in my trunk for all my goodies!  

This 3D Tote Convenience Stroller met all my needs in stroller and has the largest    amount of storage I've ever seen, a clip for the diaper bag on both handles, and four (yes, FOUR) cup holders, including one for baby! Now that my daughter can sit up on her own she hates being in the infant seat and wants to sit up to see the world. In this stroller she can not only see the world, she enjoys every minute of it!

Features for Baby: 

Toy loops

Personal cup holder

Strap covers and neck support pads

Ample space for growth

Large canopy visor with extra pop out sun visor

                                                             Features for Parents:  

                                                                                                Expandable storage compartment

                                                                                                4 cup holders (including one for baby)

                                                                                                Storage pockets

                                                                                                One-hand recline

                                                                                                Easy to fold and unfold

                                                                                                lightweight -17.5 pounds

                                                                                               Clips on handles for diaper bag or purse

                                                                                               Carrying Strap for easy transport

This stroller is the perfect addition to any growing family.

The Summer Infant 3Dtote Convenience Stroller can be purchased at a variety of retailers. To find one near you, click here.

I was provided product and/or compensation in exchange for this review. All opinions are my own.