
Macaroni Review: Zero Water System


By Leah Levine, Publisher Macaroni Kid Greece-NW Rochester March 6, 2017

We tend to not drink the tap water because for some reason it has a strange taste. So much so, I boil water daily for my 7 month old to drink and mix with her formula. We are on the go so much that plastic water bottles have become a permanent fixture in our house. Unfortunately, returning all those plastic bottles takes time and they usually pile up in the laundry room until a rainy day.

That is until I discovered the Zero Water System that uses a 5-stage ion exchange filter which removes virtually all dissolved solids! TDS, or Total Dissolved Solids are minerals, salts, metals, chemicals, flouride and run off found in running water.                 

My daughter and I took the challenge to see how our water ranked compared to the cleaner water of the Zero Water System. A water indicator is included in every pitcher purchase. Our tap water read 167 TSDs, which is not terrible, but slightly higher than the average reading for our area. Check out your average of TSD's on their website using your zip code. After we filtered the water in the 23 cup dispenser we tested it and it read 001. What a difference in the taste. We are now filling up reusable water bottles and drinking the water daily!  I even use the filtered water to make the babies bottles! No more plastic bottles filling up the laundry room and I don't have to worry about the TSD's in my babies formula. Just clean fresh water every day.

ZeroWater has a system for everybody. A personal 26 oz filtered tumbler keeps you hydrated on-the-go. Pitchers make it easy to serve clean drinking water to multiple people. Their 23 cup dispenser sits easily in the refrigerator, taking up minimal space and EVERY device is BPA free.

Want a system for yourself? You can find ZeroWaterFilter system retailers here.

I was provided product and/or compensation for the purpose of this review. All opinions are my own.