The Town of Greece Community and Senior Center, located at 3 Vince Tofany Blvd offers a wide range of activities for people of all ages. The mission of the Center is to provide a facility for the residents of Greece to engage in accessible, affordable and quality recreational, social and educational activities. Greece residents can become members free of charge, where they can participate in fitness classes, use the center’s walking track or participate in recreation style activities. The Center provides a positive environment for senior citizens, including daily lunches, shopping trips, lunch trips and many activities facilitating socialization. Youth activities are also available through the Center including arts and crafts, summer programs, open gym/play activities and educational programs. Non-residents can also take part in many of the center’s activities for an annual fee of $50 or a one-day fee of $5. While most activities are Free some do require a small fee in the form of CSC credits. Credits can be purchased directly at the Community and Senior Center.
It's easy to join! Simply show up to the Community and Senior Center with proper photo identification which shows proof of residency (driver’s license, etc) and they will sign you up, take your picture and print you an I.D. card on site!
Upcoming Kid and Family Friendly Events at the CSC:
Open Play for Ages 2-6 Mondays & Wednesdays
A gym filled with toys, mats, tunnels, blocks and other play equipment; a wonderful opportunity to let your toddler run loose and interact with other children their age. Please Note: Wednesdays Open Play will start 9/9 10:30am-12:30pm (Mondays) 12:30-1:30pm (Wednesdays) Ages 2-6 Free for CSC Members
Wheels in Motion Mon/Thur/Fri
Grab your helmet and take a spin on our big wheels in the gym. Note: A helmet is required at all times. 1:30-2:30pm (Mondays) 10:00-10:50am (Thursdays) 10:00-10:50am & 1:00-1:50pm (Fridays) Ages 2-6 Free for CSC Members
Munchkin Mats Mondays & Wednesdays
Let your little munchkin get rid of all that energy before bedtime as they run and play on our mats. Please Note: Wednesdays Munchkin Mats will start 9/9 6:15-7:15pm (Mondays) 7:00-7:45pm (Wednesdays) Ages 1-3 Free for CSC Members
Toddler Time Tuesdays
Let your toddler run and play on our mats and finish with a new craft to hang up at home. This program will start with a half hour of gym time and then moves to the art room for craft making. 10:30am-12:30pm Ages 2 and Under Free for CSC Members
Fun with Fitness Thursdays, Starting Sept 10th
in fun physical activities that promote the development of coordination, balance, as well as social skills. Each week children will have a themed activity that allows them to engage with play equipment, simple games, tumbling mats, and play shapes. 11:00am-12:00pm Ages 2-6 1 Credit
Play & Create Tuesdays
Similar to Toddler Time, our Play & Create program offers our older toddlers the opportunity to run and play on mats and time to make a new piece of art. This program will start with a half hour of gym time and then move to the art room for craft making. 10:30am-11:30pm Ages 2-6 Free for CSC Members
CSC/ PE Wednesdays
The CSC/PE class will utilize sports and leisure activities to promote a healthy lifestyle and understanding of health and wellness with an emphasis on small and large group games. 10:00-11:00am Ages 7-12 1 Credit
6:00-6:50pm Ages 7-13 1 Credit
9:15-10:15am Ages 2-6 Free for CSC Members
“Kids Create” Craft Club Monday-Saturday
If your child enjoys hands-on activities and hanging their newest creation on the fridge, then come and enjoy weekly themed crafts with us!
Monday-Friday 11:00am-1:00pm Saturdays 9:00am-12:00pm
Ages 2-6 Free for CSC Members
Pancakes with Pooches Friday, October 9th 10:00-11:30am $2 per person
Bring your favorite stuffed pooch Enjoy a breakfast of pancakes with toppings Open Gym Activities. Special guests Clifford the Red Dog and his Dalmatian friend!
“Kids Discovery Day” On Columbus Day
Activities running all day from 9:30am- 2:30pm
Discover The Power Of Confidence • Character • Friendship
The “Pearl Girls Program” is designed to help girls develop self-esteem, respect, responsibility as well as friendships while learning how to take care of mind, body and spirit. Each girl will work for 6 weeks with Professional Instructor, Mary Hutchins, to practice: Good Posture, Walking, Taking Care of nails, hair and skin ο· Make-up Application, Clothing Style & Techniques
Mondays October 12-November 16, 2015
6:15-7:30pm $48.00 per person *For Ages 11 to 16 years old*
Registration required and Ends on: Monday, October 5!
Family Halloween Party
Families are encouraged to come dressed in costume
Date: Friday, October 30th Time 6:00-8:00pm
Cost: $2.00 Per Child with pre registration $4.00 Per Child at the Door
Pre-Registration is required for this event. Register Now -Friday, October 23rd
Questions or comments? Call (585) 723-2425