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Busy Morning Breakfast: Egg Muffins

By Diana Cole September 9, 2015
A good breakfast sets the stage for our day, but how do you serve a healthy breakfast when you’re rushing to catch the bus or already late for the carpool?

Try this make-ahead recipe for Egg Muffins and serve your family a portable, good-for-them breakfast any morning of the week.

What you’ll need:
  • 1 Package Bacon 
  • 1 Package Mild Ground Breakfast Sausage 
  • 1 Yellow Pepper, diced 
  • 1 Package Mushrooms, diced
  • 1 Yellow Onion, diced
  • 1 Package Shredded Cheese (choose your favorite variety)
  • 1 Package Frozen Hash Browns
  • 2 Dozen Eggs 
What you’ll do:
  1. Preheat the oven to 350 degree. Spray three or four muffin tins* with non-stick cooking spray.
  2. Brown and drain the bacon and cut into bite sized pieces.
  3. Brown and drain the sausage. Combine with bacon in a mixing bowl and set aside.
  4. Sauté the pepper, onion, and mushrooms. SHHHH! Don’t want the kids to know there are vegetables. Add to meat mixture.
  5. Crack all the eggs and whip them like you were making scrambled eggs.
  6. Add eggs and cheese to meat/vegetable mixture. Mix well.
  7. Divide frozen hash browns among the muffin tins. Pour egg, meat, cheese and veggie mixture on top, dividing equally.
  8. Bake at 350 for 20-30 minutes. 
  9. Cool. Place in individual zip lock bags and freeze. 
To serve: Place in microwave frozen for about 1 minute.

*30 Eggs made 48 individual muffins.

Try different variations of meat, cheese and vegetables to discover new combinations your family will love!