Parks in Greece:
Adeline Park 124 Armstrong Rd.
Columbus Park 461 Bonesteel St.
Badgerow Park North 4614 Dewey Ave.
Forest Hills Playground 41 East Manitou Rd.
Badgerow Park South 120 Latta Rd.
Frisbee Hill Park 141 Frisbee Hill Rd.
Barnard Park 410 Maiden Ln.
Grandview Park 225 Beechwood Pk.
Basil Marella Park 975 English Rd.
Greece Town Hall Playground 1 Vince Tofany Blvd.
Braddock Bay Park 199 East Manitou Rd.
Pappas Park 67 Haviland Pk.
Carter Park 1281 Long Pond Rd.
Sawyer Park 732 Long Pond Rd.
Channel Park 15 Long Pond Rd.
Splash Parks:
- Pineway Parks: 20 Park Rd. Cost: FREE
- Green space with athletic fields, splash pads, a skateboard park, a playground & a fishing pond
- Greece Wild Over Water Zone: 1 Vince Tofany Blvd Cost: Bracelets are required. Free for Greece residents, $5 per child or $20 per family for non-residents
- Webster Spray Park Ridgecrest: 985 Ebner Dr. Cost: FREE
- Covered picnic tables and nearby playground make this a great destination. The park consists of several animals that allow children to sit on and near to get splashed as well as a splash pad with features such as a palm tree, fountains, bucket dump, and more.
- Webster First Responders Park: 1350 Chiyoda Dr. Cost: FREE